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In addition to the "bandcamp" link above, you can find our releases physically at
Circle Thrift & Art Space

moreau16: Brandon Hurtado - "Vows" DVD-R

moreau15: disc image - "Stolen Time"

moreau14: v/a - "Sonic Comp for RFCRC"

moreau13: Outer Heaven - "Slower"

moreau12: Ceremonial Scissors - "The Cursed Cassette - Spooky Sounds Which We Regret" CS

moreau11: Brandon Hurtado / The Golden Of Hours - "Datura" CS

moreau10: Disc Image - "EP" CS

moreau9: v/a - "Sping Comp For RRFP" digi comp

moreau8: Outer Heaven - "Dredger" CS

moreau7: Toner War - "Cycles" CS

moreau6: v/a - "Odd Comp For Nations" CS

moreau5: Toner War / Brandon Hurtado - "Frost / Never Felt" 7"

moreau4: Cecilia - "Vesper" CDR